Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Things that make you go... VROOM!!!

I know you've all been dying of suspense trying to figure out exactly what "it" is that was being shipped from Scooter's.  Well folks, the wait is finally over! Drum roll please...

It's a big giant box from S&S Cycle!

Man lemme tell you, S&S truly lives up to their slogan "Because every industry has a leader!"  This is one of the nicest boxes I've ever seen. It's got some great indicators on the top telling you what direction to place the box, it even gives you a heads up that it's not a big fan of water.  S&S really out did themselves here.  But wait... what's inside the giant box?  Why, it's a brand spankin', shiny new 93" S&S Shovelhead motor that's what!

Holy smokes is this thing awesome!  If you're not getting excited about this project yet, you may wanna have somebody check your pulse.  Considering that this is just the un-boxing of the motor, I'll try to stick to that subject.  And of course, I'll go into more detail as the project moves on.  But for now let's have a look at what's inside.

S&S includes everything you need to make this a completely "assembled engine".  Everything from oil lines, fittings and four quarts of Mobile 1 synthetic oil to the Super Stock ignition, spark plugs, top motor mount and even a battery.  It's all included with the motor.  Of course it ships with the Super "E" carb and infamous S&S teardrop aircleaner.  It's about as turn key as you're gonna get.  I certainly can't speak for other engine manufacturers out there, but lemme tell you, one look at what's inside this giant box and it's obvious... S&S truly is the industry leader!


sabbykm said...

Very clever headline!

Mexican Mike said...

Why thank you sir.

Unknown said...

YAY! I'm so excited for you! vroom vroom!